LATCH UP IN CMOS: what is meant by latch-up? Generation of low impedance patch between the Vdd and GND in CMOS circuit. This makes a high amount of current driven from Vdd to GND by this the CMOS will be destroyed. SCR analogy to understand the latch-up: let us take four-layer SCR like below and apply Vdd at the anode and GND at the cathode. after you are given the Vdd and GND, if we give a trigger( small pulse) at the gate the SCR will Turn ON now current flows through it but there is no chance to turn it Off, This is called latch-up in SCR. The above scenario is the same in the transistor topology of SCR. LATCH UP IN BASIC CMOS INVERTER: By redrawing the Mos circuit using Transistors we get: We can observe that the circuit we just drawn is the same as the circuit of SCR using transistors. There are two conditions in which the LATCH-UP happens they are: 1. if Vout > Vdd: in this case, the emitter of Q1 is high so as a result, the emitter-base junction gets forward biased...
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